(520) 399-6550  dennis@flexwest.com



How do robots work? What can they really do? How will they affect your life in the future? Learn about some key technologies used in current practical robotics and automated systems, and what new technologies may be applied in the near future. These technologies will be explained in plain language, to help you better understand how they work, and evaluate their capabilities and potential impact on society. We will discuss the current and possible near term impact of automation on employment, distribution of wealth, and other aspects of society, explore possible solutions to problems that may arise, while trying to avoid hype and gross speculation.

This is a presentation I offer. It can be tailored to between one and four hours in length. The shorter versions focus on the impact of automation, with little explanation of the technology. The longer versions additionally provide information about how automation is implemented. All versions welcome questions from the audience, possibly interactively for small groups, otherwise as a question/answer session at the end of the presentation.

If you are interested in having this topic presented to your organization or group, please contact me at dennis@flexwest.com Depending on the nature of the group, location, etc., I may present this at no charge; otherwise, there may be a nominal speaker's fee.

Here are references and related information for "Robots, Automation, And Our Changing Society".

Whether you have attended the seminar or not, you are invited to view the reference information, and I hope it will help you explore this topic more fully; - Dennis Mangrobang